Going Full Time!

For the past 10 years I’ve been juggling my leather work with my office job in Preston. But finally all my hard work of building my leather skills and my leather work business has paid off, so I handed in my notice in July! Hooray!! I’m having to work my 3 months notice, so October 4th 2019 is my final day of working for the “man”! Can’t wait!

So, here’s where you come in. In order to make sure I can continue to feed my family I need my orders to continue to come in thick and fast. Please let people know about my work. Not only do I sell ready-made leather products but I also:

  • work with customers on bespoke items,
  • carry out repair work,
  • run courses on leather work, and
  • sell small pieces of leather for you to work with.

Here’s to a future of creating and making, rather than sitting in front of a computer screen all day long!

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